Sergey Nazarov
Special guest
Sergey Nazarov is CEO of Chainlink, a decentralized oracle system linking blockchain smart contracts with external, off-chain data.
Sergey Nazarov has been a guest on 1 episode.
Chainlink: Oracles, DeFi, and Social Impact with Sergey Nazarov
February 27th, 2020 | 46 mins 17 secs
blockchain, ethereum, polkadot, web3
What are the challenges in integrating off-chain data into blockchain smart contracts with oracle systems, and how might secure, oracle-powered DeFi create meaningful social impact?
In this episode, Joe Petrowski (Research Analyst, Parity) talks with Sergey Nazarov from Chainlink, a decentralized oracle system bringing external, real-world data to blockchain-based smart contracts. Oracle systems like Chainlink are a necessary part of decentralized finance (DeFi), for which off-chain data such as market prices are used to trigger smart contract functions. We discuss the inherent challenges in integrating off-chain data with end-to-end security guarantees, the barriers to building smart contracts that go beyond tokenization, Chainlink use cases, the promise of blockchain for social impact, and how Chainlink is planning a Polkadot integration.